Are allowed (no reason needs to be specified). Must be taken within the same session as occurred. Children's classes: no makeup is allowed the last 4 weeks before our annual spring performance. Click here to see the full list of policies.
Parent Observation Day
(Twice per year) Parents sit inside the dance room to observe their child's progress. This gives the student a sense of accomplishment as peers share a sense of hard work and joy experienced in class.
Bring a Friend Week
Invite a friend your age to have fun taking class with you.
Participation in the Spring Performance
Students who miss more than one third of their classes during the twelve weeks before the performance, or more than 50 percent of the total yearly session classes, may not be allowed to perform. The spring performance dress rehearsal is mandatory for all performing students.
Class Attire
Females: Black leotards. Pink tights and ballet shoes. Hair pinned up and secured. Men: white T-shirt, dark tights, white socks, and shoes.
Jazz or Tap: Females - leotards, transition tights or jazz pants, black or solid dark color, jazz shoes/bare feet. Men - sweat pants and a T-shirt. Tap shoes—low or high heels for adults.
Princess Pre-Ballet / Pre-Dance: Pink leotard, tights, ballet shoes (no tutus).
ADDRESS: 3114 Profifit Road, Charlottesville, VA 22911
All Rights Reserved | Wilson School Of Dance